Monday, May 10, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis

As you all may no I have Cystic fibrosis. This is a genetic disorder creating conflict with Building of un need mucus in the lungs. When i was born The doctors did not no what was wrong with me. I would get an amonia effect like ever 2 weeks. Time after time i would go to the hospital and Be sent home, But finaly my parents stepped in and said no, He is not leaving and than i was transported to Childerens hospital in Philidelphia. After a little bit of experimenting they did a Kiori Surgery, It was a mirical i was a baby again i talked and began walking shortly afterwards Than they found out shortly after that i was a CF patiant. Curently i Visit the childerens hospital every 3 to 4 months and for a CF patiant am doing vary good. To read more about CF check these websites.



  2. I can imagine that having cystic fibrosis is probably very hard for you and poses many threats to your health and well-being. I wish you the best in your struggle with this ugly disorder and truly hope that scientific advancements in medicine lead to a cure very soon. Please come see me when you get a chance. Thanks!
