Friday, May 14, 2010

Web cam

Many different things can happen when you are on web cam with people you don't no. You could end up saying the wrong thing and others could find out where you live and mess up your life. I am not telling you to stay off web cam i am just saying be careful about what you do/say while on it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis

As you all may no I have Cystic fibrosis. This is a genetic disorder creating conflict with Building of un need mucus in the lungs. When i was born The doctors did not no what was wrong with me. I would get an amonia effect like ever 2 weeks. Time after time i would go to the hospital and Be sent home, But finaly my parents stepped in and said no, He is not leaving and than i was transported to Childerens hospital in Philidelphia. After a little bit of experimenting they did a Kiori Surgery, It was a mirical i was a baby again i talked and began walking shortly afterwards Than they found out shortly after that i was a CF patiant. Curently i Visit the childerens hospital every 3 to 4 months and for a CF patiant am doing vary good. To read more about CF check these websites.